Verhaltens- und Geschäftspartnerkodex


Code of Conduct and Business Partner Code of Conduct / Whistleblower system and supply chain complaints procedure

Since the establishment of the MOSOLF Group in 1955 – long before the term “compliance” became an important keyword on everybody’s lips – it has been a fundamental component of our corporate policy.

Conducting business with integrity and fairness

Our activities are based on the applicable law of the countries in which MOSOLF operates.

Taking responsibility for our employees and the environment.

This fundamental attitude is the basis of our actions to date and a key factor in ensuring the long-term and sustainable success of our company for the future.


Code of Conduct

This Code applies worldwide to all locations in the MOSOLF Group, as well as to us all: executives, managers and employees. Each individual must measure his or her actions according to these principles and be guided by them. It is the binding basis for our daily actions.


Business Partner Code of Conduct

The fundamental tenets of our corporate behaviour as set out in this Code are also something that we require of our business partners. In this respect, the Code goes beyond just complying with the laws and regulations. In order to collaborate with our business partners, we therefore consider it to be an absolute prerequisite that they

  • Conduct all business on the basis of the applicable law
  • Implement the principles of this Code
  • Work towards ensuring that this Code is also implemented by their business partners

Whistleblower system and supply chain complaints procedure

Concrete hints and notifications help us, the MOSOLF Group, to detect, avoid and effectively resolve regulatory and legal violations as well as risks and breaches of duty relating to human rights and the environment. This information and these messages can help to prevent damage to MOSOLF, to its staff and business partners and to third parties.

The whistleblower system and the supply chain complaints procedure offer staff, business partners and third parties the option of making information and concrete hints about non-compliant behaviour transparent,

  • anonymously,
  • in several languages,
  • at any time and
  • online.

The whistleblower system and the supply chain complaints procedure are sourced from an external provider in order to protect the anonymity of the whistleblower, should this be desired by the whistleblower.

You can reach the external page via the link:


Head office Kirchheim/Teck
Dettinger Straße 157-159
73230 Kirchheim/Teck

Phone: +49 7021 809-0


Our strength lies in our versatility – the MOSOLF Group is made up of highly specialised individual companies, business units and joint ventures that come together to form an unbeatable combination. This flexible structure offers many advantages that make a difference.
Logistics & Services
Special Vehicles
Port Logistics & Services
Autokontor Bayern
Carcenter Zeebrugge
CAT Mosolf Polska